3 Extraordinary Reasons To Travel With Your Kids

Three compelling reasons to invest in family travel experiences.

Two girls walking in front of Kilkea Castle Ireland

Have you ever pondered the significance of family travel? As a parent over the past decade, our travel adventures have become cherished treasures.

From exploring the grandeur of the Palace of Versailles in France alongside our kids to reveling in the enchantment of staying at an Irish castle, family travel has proven to be immensely rewarding.

For starters, travel bestows a gift that lingers long after the journey concludes. Even when it's all said and done, the emotions, memories, and connections forged with each other and the places we visited endure.

Reflecting on our travels before having children, my husband and I recall dreamlike experiences. However, the memories we have created with our kids hold a different kind of magic.

“Children bring a sense of spontaneity to family travel that cannot be replicated or replaced.”

A baby enjoying family travel in Paris and eating macaroons in Paris

Picture the scene: your little one innocently delving into a box of macaroons in Paris, intended as a gift for a friend, leaving nothing but laughter and an unforgettable memory.

Following the pandemic, we wasted no time applying for a passport for our baby and organizing travel plans to Ireland, Italy, and France.

As we ventured into international territories, the true advantages of family travel unfolded before our eyes, transforming our family dynamics in beautiful ways.

Still skeptical? Allow me to further persuade you.

3 benefits of traveling with kids


Two girls playing croquet at Kilkea Castle in Ireland

As you journey through parenthood, you come to realize that the cherished memories you share with your children occupy your thoughts continuously.

Picture a future holiday gathering, where your grown kids gather, and you recount tales of the adventures you had together during their childhood.

Among those stories, your family travel memories will undoubtedly take center stage.

I recall a hiking trip with my sisters and parents when we inadvertently stumbled upon a bees' nest while someone needed to relieve themselves. Everyone, except for me, fell victim to their stings. I walked away unscathed, feeling invincible and convinced I possessed superpowers.

Regardless of superpowers, that experience instilled resilience in me, and to this day, I enjoy teasing my sisters about it.

One remarkable aspect of such stories is their enduring legacy. They transcend generations, as your children will pass down these cherished memories to their own children long after you are gone.



A girl standing behind the bar at Kilkea Castle Ireland  with two bartenders

Family travel opens up a world of new experiences, allowing you to immerse yourself in different cultures and customs—an aspect I particularly cherish. It's a valuable opportunity for children to witness that people can behave, communicate, and appear distinct from what they're accustomed to.

For instance, Italians tend to be more exuberant and animated, while the Irish have perfected the delightful art of banter. This exposure to diverse personalities enriches our journeys.

We never hesitate to introduce our nine-year-old daughter to new restaurants or places because she confidently engages in conversations with unfamiliar faces. The more you travel, the more you'll observe how effortlessly your children adapt to new environments—an invaluable skill for any future workplace or community.



A father and two daughters sitting on a bench in Paris France enjoying family travel

Family vacations offer a chance to break away from the monotony of everyday life and fulfill the desires of children. Often, what they truly yearn for is quality time. During our two-week adventure in Ireland, our toddler accompanied her father, resulting in a stronger bond between them. Now, as he departs for work each day, she excitedly reminds him of essential items like his wallet, phone, and keys... Just imagine what she'll be saying when she's ten! The connections forged through family travel have the potential to flourish and grow.

Sometimes, all it takes is stepping out of your comfort zone and exploring new destinations together.




Jocelyn Lee

Jocelyn Lee is full-time parenting a tween and toddler, dabbling in Duolingo, and preaching a clutter-free life despite any dismay from said, family members. You can follow her on Instagram.


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